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data class AggregatedHealthData(val yValues: List<Double>, val xValues: List<Double>, val seriesName: String)
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data class AverageHealthData(val value: Double, val formattedValue: String)
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data class DeleteRecordAlertData(val recordId: String, val title: StringResource, val description: StringResource, val dismissButton: StringResource, val confirmButton: StringResource)
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sealed interface HealthAction
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class HealthRecordViewModel @AssistedInject constructor(@Assisted recordType: RecordType, appScreenEvents: AppScreenEvents, uiStateMapper: HealthUiStateMapper, healthRepository: HealthRepository, messageNotifier: MessageNotifier) : ViewModel
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class HealthRepository @Inject constructor(firestore: FirebaseFirestore, observationCollectionProvider: ObservationCollectionProvider, observationsDocumentMapper: ObservationsDocumentMapper, observationMapper: ObservationsDocumentMapper, recordToObservationMapper: RecordToObservationMapper, ioDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher)
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data class HealthUiData(val records: List<Record> = emptyList(), val chartData: List<AggregatedHealthData> = emptyList(), val tableData: List<TableEntryData> = emptyList(), val newestData: NewestHealthData? = null, val averageData: AverageHealthData? = null, val infoRowData: InfoRowData, val pendingActions: PendingActions<HealthAction.Async> = PendingActions(), val deleteRecordAlertData: DeleteRecordAlertData? = null, val valueFormatter: (Double) -> String)
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sealed interface HealthUiState
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class HealthUiStateMapper @Inject constructor(localeProvider: LocaleProvider)
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class HealthViewModel @Inject constructor(appScreenEvents: AppScreenEvents) : ViewModel
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data class InfoRowData(val formattedValue: String, val formattedDate: String, val isSelectedTimeRangeDropdownExpanded: Boolean, val selectedTimeRange: TimeRange = TimeRange.DAILY)
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data class NewestHealthData(val formattedValue: String, val formattedDate: String)
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data class TableEntryData(val id: String?, val value: Double?, val secondValue: Float?, val formattedValues: String, val date: ZonedDateTime, val formattedDate: String, val trend: Double?, val formattedTrend: String)
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fun HealthPage(uiState: HealthUiState, onAction: (HealthAction) -> Unit)
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