Package-level declarations


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class HealthSummaryRepository @Inject constructor(userSessionManager: UserSessionManager, firebaseFunctions: FirebaseFunctions, ioDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher)
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class HealthSummaryService @Inject constructor(healthSummaryRepository: HealthSummaryRepository, messageNotifier: MessageNotifier, ioDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, context: Context)
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data class Message(var id: String, val dueDate: ZonedDateTime? = null, val completionDate: ZonedDateTime? = null, val type: MessageType, val title: String, val description: String? = null, val action: String?, val isDismissible: Boolean = true, val isLoading: Boolean = false, val isExpanded: Boolean = false)
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sealed class MessagesAction
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data class VideoSectionVideo(val videoSectionId: String, val videoId: String)


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fun MessageIcon(messageTypeIcon: Int, contentDescription: String? = null, size: Dp = Sizes.Icon.small)
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fun MessageItem(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, message: Message, onAction: (Action) -> Unit)
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