
This module provides tools and utilities useful for testing. It includes components or functions that facilitate the testing. Additionally, it exposes api of libs.bundles.unit.testing bundle.


dependencies {


  • CoroutineTestRule - A JUnit Test Rule that sets the main coroutine dispatcher to a TestDispatcher for unit testing. This rule allows replacing the main dispatcher with a test dispatcher, which can be controlled during tests.

  • TestDispatchersProvider - Test implementation of DispatchersProvider that provides a single test dispatcher for all coroutine contexts. This implementation is useful for unit testing, for components that require a DispatchersProvider dependency.

  • SpeziTestScope - A global function that returns a TestScope with a specific CoroutineContext, defaulting to UnconfinedTestDispatcher if no context is provided.

  • verifyNever, coVerifyNever - Global helper functions that verify that a specific interaction with a mock object never occurred


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