
This module provides multiple onboarding screens:

Consent ScreenInvitation ScreenOnboarding ScreenSequential Onboarding Screen Step 1Sequential Onboarding Screen Step 2


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The onboarding package provides the OnboardingNavigationEvent sealed class, which defines the possible navigation events for the onboarding module. The OnboardingNavigationEvent class is used to navigate between the different onboarding screens.

The consent package handles user consent screens, ensuring that users agree to the necessary terms and conditions before proceeding. The consent document gets build by a Markdown Text. The text can be provided via an implementation of the ConsentManager interface. This interface also provides functions to handle the case when the user has consented as well as a consent failure. The Screen can be used anywhere after providing this interface.

The invitation package manages the invitation process, allowing users to join an app. The InvitationCodeScreenData provides all necessary data for the view like the title, the description and the redeem Action. It is provided via a implementation of the InvitationCodeScreen interface. The Screen can be used anywhere after providing this interface.

The onboarding package contains the main onboarding screens, guiding users through the initial setup and introduction to the app. The Screen can be used anywhere after providing the OnboardingData via an implementation of the OnboardingRepository interface.

The sequential package ensures that the onboarding steps are followed in a specific sequence, providing a smooth and logical flow for the user. The Screen can be used anywhere after providing the SequentialOnboardingData via an implementation of the SequentialOnboardingRepository interface.