Represents events emitted by the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) service.
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data class CharacteristicChanged(val device: BLEDevice, val gatt: BluetoothGatt, val characteristic: BluetoothGattCharacteristic, val value: ByteArray) : BLEServiceEvent
Represents a characteristic changed event
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Represents an event indicating that connection to a device has been established.
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Represents an event indicating that a device has been discovered
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Event indicating that a BLE device was paired.
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Event indicating that a BLE device was paired.
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Represents an event indicating that a device is disconnected.
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Represents a generic error event.
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Represents an event indicating that scanning has failed.
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data class ServiceDiscovered(val device: BluetoothDevice, val gatt: BluetoothGatt, val status: Int) : BLEServiceEvent