Package-level declarations

The invitation package manages the invitation process, allowing users to join an app. The InvitationCodeScreenData provides all necessary data for the view like the title, the description and the redeem Action. It is provided via a implementation of the InvitationCodeScreen interface. The Screen can be used anywhere after providing this interface.

Example implementation:

class EngageInvitationCodeRepository @Inject constructor(
private val navigator: Navigator,
) : InvitationCodeRepository {

override fun getScreenData(): InvitationCodeScreenData {
return InvitationCodeScreenData(
title = "Invitation Code",
description = "Please enter your invitation code to join the ENGAGE-HF study.",
redeemAction = { navigator.navigateTo(AppNavigationEvent.AppScreen(true)) },


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sealed interface Action
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data class InvitationCodeUiState(val title: String = "", val description: String = "", val invitationCode: String = "", val error: String? = "")
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data class InvitationCodeViewData(val title: String = "Title", val description: String = "description", val redeemAction: () -> Unit)
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