
A custom runner used to set up a hilt instrumented test application.

Do not delete!!! It is referenced via fully qualified name in SpeziAbstractConfigPlugin which is the base convention plugin used by all the modules of the project


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open fun addResults(p0: Bundle)
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open override fun callActivityOnCreate(activity: Activity, bundle: Bundle)
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open override fun callActivityOnDestroy(activity: Activity)
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open override fun callActivityOnPause(activity: Activity)
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open override fun callActivityOnRestart(activity: Activity)
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open override fun callActivityOnResume(activity: Activity)
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open override fun callActivityOnStart(activity: Activity)
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open override fun callActivityOnStop(activity: Activity)
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open override fun callApplicationOnCreate(app: Application)
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open fun execStartActivities(who: Context, contextThread: IBinder, token: IBinder, target: Activity, intents: Array<Intent>, options: Bundle)
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open fun execStartActivity(who: Context, contextThread: IBinder, token: IBinder, target: Activity, intent: Intent, requestCode: Int): Instrumentation.ActivityResult
open fun execStartActivity(who: Context, contextThread: IBinder, token: IBinder, target: Activity, intent: Intent, requestCode: Int, options: Bundle): Instrumentation.ActivityResult
open fun execStartActivity(who: Context, contextThread: IBinder, token: IBinder, target: Fragment, intent: Intent, requestCode: Int, options: Bundle): Instrumentation.ActivityResult
open fun execStartActivity(who: Context, contextThread: IBinder, token: IBinder, target: String, intent: Intent, requestCode: Int, options: Bundle): Instrumentation.ActivityResult
open fun execStartActivity(who: Context, contextThread: IBinder, token: IBinder, target: Activity, intent: Intent, requestCode: Int, options: Bundle, user: UserHandle): Instrumentation.ActivityResult
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open override fun finish(resultCode: Int, results: Bundle)
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open fun getContext(): Context
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open fun interceptActivityUsing(interceptingActivityFactory: InterceptingActivityFactory)
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open fun invokeMenuActionSync(p0: Activity, p1: Int, p2: Int): Boolean
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open fun isProfiling(): Boolean
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open override fun newActivity(cl: ClassLoader, className: String, intent: Intent): Activity
open override fun newActivity(clazz: Class<*>, context: Context, token: IBinder, application: Application, intent: Intent, info: ActivityInfo, title: CharSequence, parent: Activity, id: String, lastNonConfigurationInstance: Any): Activity
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open override fun newApplication(cl: ClassLoader?, className: String?, context: Context?): Application
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open override fun onCreate(arguments: Bundle)
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open override fun onDestroy()
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open override fun onException(obj: Any, e: Throwable): Boolean
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open override fun onStart()
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open fun resetInTouchMode()
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open override fun runOnMainSync(runnable: Runnable)
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open fun sendCharacterSync(p0: Int)
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open fun sendKeyDownUpSync(p0: Int)
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open fun sendKeySync(p0: KeyEvent)
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open override fun sendStatus(resultCode: Int, results: Bundle)
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open fun sendStringSync(p0: String)
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open fun setInTouchMode(p0: Boolean)
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open fun start()
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open override fun startActivitySync(intent: Intent): Activity
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open fun startProfiling()
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open fun stopProfiling()
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open fun waitForIdle(p0: Runnable)
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open fun waitForIdleSync()
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